Welcome To Mastodon

In light of the meltdown of Twitter following Elon Musk’s $44B purchase of the platform, there’s a lot of buzz and confusion about this new(ish) platform. This post should serve as an introduction and layman’s guide.

Buying @Haje: How I got my given name as my Twitter handle for $250

For nearly as long as I've fought to regain access [https://jacobtender.net/blog/reclaiming-a-twitter-handle-my-seven-year-wait/] to the handle I am currently using on Twitter, I have been attempting to get @tender—the short and sweet one-word jackpot of a handle...

Reclaiming A Twitter Handle: My Seven Year Wait

“Hi” This was the very first tweet I sent on April 21, 2009 at 9:46 PM from an account I made through SMS on my Nokia 2600c. It was a simple tweet, aimed at nobody in particular. I had...

Twitter Clients in 2014

I’ve been waiting for this article [http://www.macstories.net/stories/twitter-clients-in-2014/] from MacStories’ Federico Viticci for a long time. He’s been working diligently on it for a few months now and the time has paid off. I’...