365 more days repressing the sad thoughts with media. As is tradition, here they are, my favorites for the year.
I had an afternoon as a passenger in a car the other day and spent it playing through this game. I progressed through levels 1-6 in about 20 minutes. I was stuck on level 7 for hours.
Twelve more months on God’s green Earth, absorbing hundreds more hours of media. It’s only right to denote them, once again, for future nostalgia.
Another year, another swath of media to devour, process, and regurgitate in the form of bulleted lists.
As is tradition, here is a distillation of my favorite media—formatted into digestable bulleted lists for posterity.
I don't play video games very often. Here's a record of the ones I've completed.
In 2016, I made an effort to play more games. Battlefront and Firewatch were must-plays. This year, the PS4 has been relegated almost entirely to “expensive BluRay player” status. This spring I got my hands on a Nintendo Switch and...
Most of these games are new. Several are not, but have been on my “must play” list for some time.
As a twenty-something in the year of 2016, I've been catching Pokémon for almost my entire life. Never before has it felt as interactive as it does with Pokémon Go, the augmented reality game by The Pokémon Company and Niantic....
I got the chance to play this the other day. As you’d probably expect, its small enclosure and wrap-around screen makes this an equally immersive and disorienting experience. Still, it was quite fun. Once I watched a line of...
In 1981, Frogger leapt its way into the world. A spiritual successor called Flappy bird entered screen-left in 2013. Each left their mark on gaming for their simplicity and addictive game play. Gaming studio Hipster Whale took the best of...
> Three limited run prints screen-prints by Olly Moss [http://ollymoss.com/] inspired by our upcoming video game Firewatch [http://store.camposanto.com/products/www.firewatchgame.com]. > These are on sale for a very limited time (96 hours). Order before 12pm...