Welcome To Mastodon

In light of the meltdown of Twitter following Elon Musk’s $44B purchase of the platform, there’s a lot of buzz and confusion about this new(ish) platform. This post should serve as an introduction and layman’s guide.

31 Days of Halloween

For the last three years, I've taken on a personal challenge to actually watch 31 horror movies during the month of October.

Words I consistently spell wrong

These are the words that make me feel most like an illiterate moron. I'm exposing myself here. Red squiggles and all.

Night Moves

My friend James Shotwell published an essay today about the last time he and I saw our friend Justin Proper.

My Favorite Things: 2021

Another year, another swath of media to devour, process, and regurgitate in the form of bulleted lists.

2021: A Year In Review

When discussing our favorite moments of 2021 yesterday, Mae brought to my attention a few activities I'm sure happened a year before. My sense of time has been completely rocked by Covid-19. Thankfully, I've got my camera roll to help me recall all the things that have happened since last year.

Comedy heroes

I think you can learn a lot about a person, their sense of humor, and how they see the world by knowing who their favorite comedians are. These are the ones that have made the largest impact on me.

Chat Semetary: The Mist (2017)

Jacob Tender joins the podcast to discuss The Mist. The show originally aired on Spike TV in 2017. We dive into the cast, how the show differs from the story and more.

The great indoors

When we moved into this apartment in October 2015, I figured the only creature residing with us would be our canine companion Jazz. What I didn't know was that the next six years would feature a revolving cast of characters including bats, squirrels, and birds. So very many birds.

Names for Jazz

These are some of the affectionate titles I've used to refer directly to my dog, whose actual name is Jazz.

What Was Missed

It's been an overwhelmingly isolating year with a lot of moments I will forever regret having missed.

My Favorite Things: 2020

As is tradition, here is a distillation of my favorite media—formatted into digestable bulleted lists for posterity.

2020: A Year In Review

As terrible as the year has been, some landmark achievements have happened in spite of it. Here's a rundown of what I've accomplished this year.

Video games I've played

I don't play video games very often. Here's a record of the ones I've completed.

Articles that never fail to make me laugh

If the Internet is good for anything, it's chuckles on demand. This is a list of articles I've read online that I can read over and over again for a laugh.

Playlisting, a practice

For the last decade or so, I've been a staunch proponent of music playback by album. Recently, I've found a deep appreciation for playlist building.

Digitizing Home Video

For years I've been punting several preservation projects related to my family's history, photos, and home video. In recent months, I've taken on my immediate family's aging collection of VHS media to pull it forward into the digital age.

Finding Grandpa's Commercial

I located a long-lost advertisement starring my great grandfather and so much more.

My Favorite Things 2020 (The First Half)

I haven't compiled a mid-year list of my favorite things since 2015. I've just been so struck with compelling media during the year of COVID that I felt it was worth doing a quick run-down of the stuff that's keeping me occupied while most social activities are put on hold.

Changing It Up

Anyone who's followed me closely may know that in Fall of 2017, I returned to The University of Akron to complete a bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems with a specialization in computer programming. I graduated in May. As a...

My small part in the career of Fall Out Boy

In January of 2016, an author by the name of Ben Welch reached out for permission to use my 2012 essay on Fall Out Boy's album From Under The Cork Tree. I gave him the go-ahead and a quick interview...

Selective sync of Google Calendars in Apple's ecosystem

Despite removing myself from Google’s ecosystem where I can, I’ve found that Google calendars have been hard to ditch. One thing that’ really irks me though about adding Google calendars to my Apple calendar apps is the mess...

Welcome To Geekdom 183: Gravity Falls

Jacob Tender joins the podcast to discuss Gravity Falls. We talk about why two seasons worked for the length of the show, why we enjoyed it, and more.

Podcast Me Anything: Jacob Tender, Community Manager at Breaker

I recently launched a client podcast and the one network they had to make sure they got listed on was Breaker. Breaker is not a household name in podcasting, but in the financial services space, there are a growing number of hosts and consumers who love this platform.


I got into an argument with a guy at the bar today. I’m not sharing this because I’m proud of it or because I feel like I gained anything from it, but so that I might glean more...

Pet peeves

We all have them. These are mine.