A Pop-Punk Singer and the Blurred Line Between Digital Fan Mail and Trouble

Joe Coscarelli, New York Times: > As technology has eroded the traditional barriers between musicians and their admirers, the old-fashioned methods of connection — sending fan letters into the record label ether, sneaking backstage at a concert for a photo — have given...

Discovery's New Boss Says So Long to Giant Snakes

David Bauder, AP: > The network has been doing well financially but has been criticized, particularly by the scientific community, for some specials that have stretched the boundaries of truth. Most recently, animal rights activists were angered by the “Eaten Alive”...

More on Accountability

Zack Zarrillo, in answer to Mike Meeze [https://twitter.com/PunkOutLGBT/status/552896672322568192]: > Ultimately, the decision about which bands we cover on the site falls on me. On a normal day, it seems clear which bands align themselves with my...

Runaway Brother - "Moth" (Stereogum Premiere)

Chris DeVille, Stereogum [http://www.stereogum.com/1727831/runaway-brother-moth-stereogum-premiere/mp3s/] : > Cleveland pop-punk ragers Runaway Brother have a new album called Mother coming soon. The soaring “Moth” goes all-in on nasal emo aggression – you might say that it really takes back...

How to work around Tumblr's blurry image embeds in text posts

When building this website from hand, I worked through a bunch of CSS methods I’d not used before. I was able to create blocks and set widths, padding, and margins with general ease. In the end, my test posts...

Mansions' 'Dig Up The Dead (Acoustic)' Pressed on Vinyl

Bad Timing Records: > We feel comfortable expressing the opinion that Mansions’ Dig Up The Dead is one of the greatest emo records of the last decade. In his 2011 review, AbsolutePunk.net’s Drew Beringer called it “a refreshingly bold...

Polyenso - "Moona Festival"

> Our latest single, “Moona Festival.” Polyenso returns with a stellar new single. This is best heard with a good set of headphones. There is a lot happening in the production....

An Illustrator Drawing A New 'Star Wars' Cartoon Every Day This Year

Colin Campbell, Polygon: > [Gerard] Folz says he plans to draw and release a cartoon-panel illustration based on the original Star Wars movie, every day this year. “In anticipation of #StarWarsEpisodeVII I’m going to turn one #StarWars scene a day...

Stars Of 'The Raid' To Appear In 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Devin Faraci of Badass Digest [http://badassdigest.com/2015/01/05/stars-of-the-raid-to-appear-in-star-wars-the-force-awakens/] , > Twitch is reporting that Iko Uwais, star of The Raid and The Raid 2, will be joined by fellow Raid-ers Yayan Ruhian (Mad Dog) and Cecep Arif Rahman...

Humble Doctor Who Audiobook Bundle

Humble Bundle: > The Doctor is IN with over $447 worth of audio adventures in the Humble Doctor Who Audiobook Bundle! Humble Bundle strikes again [https://www.humblebundle.com/books] with an incredible collection of Doctor Who audio adventures. For $15,...

The New PropertyOfZack

Zack Zarrillo writes: > Today, we’re incredibly excited, nervous, and ready to begin the next phase of PropertyOfZack. I’ve been updated by Zack throughout the planning process for today’s relaunch [https://propertyofzack.com/] for a while. Months of...

This Website Could Be The Ultimate All-In-One Torrent Machine

Chris Mills, Gizmodo [http://gizmodo.com/this-website-could-be-the-ultimate-all-in-one-torrent-m-1677265492] : > As I recently discovered whilst trying to teach my roommate about torrenting – educationally, of course – downloading illegal stuff off the internet still isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Bitport is a...

Typo 2 Review: Thsi Is Smoe Bulsiht

Sean Hollister of Gizmodo writes [http://gizmodo.com/typo-2-review-thsi-is-smoe-bulsiht-1676234765]: > I must be a masochist. I’m typing this whole review on a Bluetooth keyboard smaller than my two thumbs. Touch-type a dozen letters or so—until I make a mistake,...

Pigeons & Planes Open For Pitches

One of my favorite music blogs is Pigeons & Planes. They currently are open for pitches. > Or, if you don't want to start a blog, write for Pigeons & Planes. Send your ideas: pitches(at)pigeonsandplanes(dot)com — Pigeons & Planes (@PigsAndPlans) January...

'Appearance And Reality,' An Animated Short

Appearance And Reality is by Hungarian animator Elro. > A short story about shown and hidden feelings. Sometimes we mask our feelings and put on a front. We hide. Maybe we shouldn’t....

GuideGuide: Painless Photoshop Guides in Seconds

> GuideGuide an extension for Adobe Photoshop that makes it easy to place guides and create grids in your document or selection. When I did a clean install of OS X Yosemite and Adobe CS6, one of customizations I first noticed...

My Favorite Things 2014: Music

2014 has come to an end. I’m sitting at my kitchen table considering the idea that, for the first time since I began making them, I don’t have a publication with which to publish my end-of-the-year lists as...

The Scene Press Full Length Essentials: 2014

> 2014 has come and passed. With it, thousands of albums have been recorded and released, available for the world to experience and enjoy. Of course, we are just beings of limited time. As such, can only listen to a fraction...

Jay, Key Witness from 'Serial' Tells His Story for First Time

Natasha Vargas-Cooper: > This interview is the first time Jay has spoken publicly about events surrounding Lee’s death and the trial that ended in Syed’s conviction. We met over the weekend at his two-story suburban home. Jay’s wife...

The Starting Line To Release New Material In 2015

My friends at PropertyOfZack report [http://propertyofzack.com/post/106332342179/the-starting-line-to-release-new-material-in-2015] that The Starting Line will be releasing new tunes this upcoming year. Last I heard, singer Kenny Vasoli was (successfully) distancing himself from the “scene” by way of his...

Bob Iger and the Millennium Falcon on the cover of Fortune

> She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid. Fortune’s January issue features an exclusive sneak peek at one of the Star Wars saga’s most iconic ships: Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon....

Dark Horse Star Wars Farewell Mega Bundle

Dark Horse comics: > The end of an era closes. We say a fond farewell to Star Wars. The wookies will be missed and bounty hunters will be sad. But take heart young jedi, for these last few days you can...

For The Love of Film: The Star Wars Holiday Special

My late friend [https://jacobtender.net/blog/rip-justin-proper/] Justin Proper of Under The Gun Review [http://underthegunreview.net/] had a running column for several years called “For The Love Of Film.” He once asked me to fill in for him...

You, Me, and Everyone We Know drops Christmas EP

You, Me, And Everyone We Know just released a Christmas EP. Three tracks. Three dollars. Listen to and purchase it on Bandcamp [https://youmeandeveryoneweknow.bandcamp.com/album/a-mutty-christmas]. This is in support of the band’s upcoming Dogged EP which...

Up close with the BlackBerry Classic

Micah Singleton and Sean O'Kane of The Verge get their hands on [http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/17/7411979/up-close-with-the-blackberry-classic] the new BlackBerry: > BlackBerry is returning to its roots. Today the company announced the release of the BlackBerry Classic,...

Watch Star Wars on Super 8 Film

> The STAR WARS digests F-48 400’, F-48 200’ and F-64 400’ edited together in chronological order. A long, long time ago, before I even knew Super 8 film existed, the Star Wars trilogy was officially released on the medium for...

James Franco and Jonah Hill's True Story

Film summary according to IMDB [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2273657/?ref_=nv_sr_1]: > A drama centered around the relationship between journalist Michael Finkel and Christian Longo, an FBI Most Wanted List murderer who for years lived outside the...

Olly Moss' Star Wars Christmas Poster

> Got the itch. Made a Star Wars poster for friends this Christmas. pic.twitter.com/6jFjw2eabS [http://t.co/6jFjw2eabS] — Olly Moss (@ollymoss) December 19, 2014 [https://twitter.com/ollymoss/status/546074522634706945?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]...