Star Wars Holiday Card

A whimsical animated Holiday card [] from the staff at Lucasfilm featuring our favorite astromechs R2-D2 and C1-10P (Chopper). The animation style is warm and cozy and made of paper. We get to see a totally new...

You, Me, and Everyone We Know's Discography Is Free

You, Me, and Everyone We Know is back. With a new band in tow, Ben Liebsch is ready for a new wave of music lovers to know and love his creation. Since his hiatus, he’s released two EPs with...

Fans scramble for iPod Classic

> One of this year’s hottest Christmas presents is no longer available in the shops. Two months after Apple announced the demise of its iPod Classic MP3 player, the model is selling secondhand for up to four times its original...

Twitter Clients in 2014

I’ve been waiting for this article [] from MacStories’ Federico Viticci for a long time. He’s been working diligently on it for a few months now and the time has paid off. I’...

Sponsored: The Scene Press Sampler

I’d like to thank my good friends at The Scene Press [] for sponsoring Curbside.Audio this week in order to promote their free music sampler which benefits non-profit HeartSupport [] in full....

Mos Eisley My Favorite

The aliens and robots of Star Wars as drawn by Patrick Dean. I’m a recent fan of Dean’s artwork [] and he’s a big fan of Star Wars. He’s drawing one character from...

Smallpools - "Karaoke"

> You’ll want to hear the new song from Smallpools, ‘Karaoke’. Stream it at The 405. I think Smallpools completely refuses to make a single uninteresting song. But hey, don’t take my word for it. Their track record speaks...

Congratulations on Your Opinion

> We’re all experts on movies. We love them, we freeze-frame them, and we react to them. And our reactions are our opinions, and our opinions are us. So we feel that they are important. And we are wrong. I...

"Ideas Are Scary" - General Electric

> Ideas are scary, messy, and fragile, but under the proper care, they become something beautiful. GE is a place where ideas are nurtured and brought to life through innovations that make the world better. Ideas can be daunting when first...

Tilian - "Alive"

Tilian Pearson released a new solo song called “Alive” this week. As great as ever. Pre-order the new album, Future Friends, and get the song as an instant download on iTunes []....

The Star Wars: Episode VII Lightsaber Dilemma Pt. II

Following up on my post explaining the problems with the device, I pour through the Wookieepedia for some reasoning for how the current design could possibly work. I found some answers.

The Incomparable | Forcegiving (Episode 222)

> There’s now a teaser trailer for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, and you know we have opinions. And so, in great Incomparable fashion, we’re here to talk about 80 seconds of video for more than an hour. How...

The Star Wars: Episode VII Lightsaber Dilemma

Today we received what we’ve been begging for months, a teaser for J.J. Abrams' upcoming Star Wars film, Episode VII - The Force Awakens... and a new lightsaber design.

What's Not Good About intheclouds' 12 Lathes of Christmas

On Monday, intheclouds Records announced [] the 12 Lathes of Christmas. In which twelve releases would get a limited release with a count based on the day number in which it would be available....

Frank Ocean - "Memrise"

> Last night, Frank Ocean uploaded a two minute song to his Tumblr []… Fragmented, beautiful. As an adorer of channelOrange, I’m looking forward to seeing what Ocean pulls out for his follow-up....

Paramore: Hate To See Your Heart Break ft. Joy Williams [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

> Paramore’s music video [] for ‘Hate To See Your Heart Break’ featuring Joy Williams from Paramore: Self-Titled Deluxe - available now on Fueled By Ramen. A beautiful rendition of a beautiful Paramore song featuring Joy Williams...

BATMAN vs DARTH VADER - Super Power Beat Down

> Batman travels to the Death Star in the most epic episode of Super Power Beat Down of all time! I’m a big fan of fan-based film. At least, I love the well produced labors of love that reference or...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser will go online this Friday

> The next Star Wars film’s first trailer will be available soon in 30 theaters nationwide, but the official Twitter account has just announced that it will also be coming to iTunes this Friday. It would have been foolish for...

App Recommendation: Crossy Road

In 1981, Frogger leapt its way into the world. A spiritual successor called Flappy bird entered screen-left in 2013. Each left their mark on gaming for their simplicity and addictive game play. Gaming studio Hipster Whale took the best of...

Revealed: The Lost Chapter of Interstellar

> Before Cooper left his daughter to find humanity a new home in space, there were the Lazarus missions. Led by Dr. Mann, this was NASA’s first attempt to locate a hospitable exoplanet. So what happened to Mann on the...

App Recommendation: Nuzzel

Let’s talk about Nuzzel, a news app for the behind. > Nuzzel is the super-easy way to see news from your friends. Discover the top news stories shared by your friends on Facebook and Twitter, without being overwhelmed or missing...

Olly Moss Firewatch Prints Available in Limited Number

> Three limited run prints screen-prints by Olly Moss [] inspired by our upcoming video game Firewatch []. > These are on sale for a very limited time (96 hours). Order before 12pm...

This Thing(s) I Do

This week, Cultured Code is giving their Things app away for free as the featured App of the Week on the App Store. Happy Things-giving! | Things Blog | Cultured Code [] > As a...

New Haulix Enhancements

Haulix has added some new features to their consistently improving content delivery and watermarking platform. > Bandwidth Usage Alerts The system will now send you an email alert when you hit 80% bandwidth usage for the month. Bandwidth Usage Graphs The...

RIP Justin Proper

My friend Justin was sick when I met him. He was sick as long as I knew him. It was his sickness that brought him to Ohio way too often, where I would visit him at the Cleveland Clinic not...

31 Days of Halloween: Aliens

My second entry in the 31 Days series, a follow-up to last year's column on Ridley Scott's Alien. This was originally posted on Under The Gun Review. Of all the holidays celebrated worldwide, no single day is more loved by...

Yellowcard Cover Story

Today, Substream Magazine announced [] the cover of Issue 42 featuring Yellowcard. This is the second issue in a row in which I penned the cover story. Like my previous story [] with Caleb Shomo...

Yellowcard: Setting Sail For New Territory

Unlike the Beartooth Story, this one was planned out in advance. Like the story about Caleb and his wife Fleur, this story centered around Ryan Key and his wife Alyona. It got very personal and I felt quite honored to...