Yes Lawd! Those who listen to Variable Bitrate will know that I greatly love two things, Tiny Desk Concerts and Anderson .Paak. Today, those things collide and it's a wonderful thing. I normally listen to the audio podcast for Bob...
When I was in the first grade, I read both Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and The Chamber Of Secrets. By the time I reached the third grade, I had mastered the existing four books multiple times.[1]...
I started this music writing thing "officially" in January of 2011. I was a senior in high school at the time. Mark Garza, founder and owner of Funeral Sounds (a record label and online publishing company), Label Manager at Broken...
Joshy boy, joshy boy, cast me a pod. My good pal and longtime friend calls in to talk Americana, a mature genre of music that truly speaks to him, but we eventually start talking about My Chemical Romance and All...
We're back! After a short hiatus imposed by our increasingly busy podcasting schedules and the sheer length of time it took to prepare and produce this episode, Mike and I haves something really special for you. We've had collecting on...
I've got the podcasting bug and a lot of ideas. As a result, I wanted to try a pop culture show centered around one specific television program called Stranger Things. Netflix has been crushing it with the exclusives all year...
Yea, I uploaded this one roughly 12 hours late, but it's still Monday so guess what? It counts. Some scheduling conflicts two weeks back—as well as some heat-induced illness this weekend—ended up affording me the buffer time I...
After years of jamming his music in my car to and from school, I finally got the opportunity to talk to Ian Kenny of King Neptune. Ian spilled all the juicy deets on the fate of NGHBRS and revealed what...
A few years ago, a photographer on my Facebook feed was asking for the names and contact information for graphic designers that could make him a logo for his photography business. Swept up in a gust of inspiration, I mocked...
As a twenty-something in the year of 2016, I've been catching Pokémon for almost my entire life. Never before has it felt as interactive as it does with Pokémon Go, the augmented reality game by The Pokémon Company and Niantic....
On this episode of INSIDE MUSIC, host James Shotwell calls returning guest Jacob Tender to discuss the current state of music blogging, the rise of podcasts, and the need for change in the world.
Three weeks in. It's all happening. Episode 3 has Maria Gironas in the digital chair opposite me. I ask her about her history in PR, Warped Tour, and that Alkaline Trio Blink 182 song. Good times. I'm actually ahead of...
Hey, look at that. I've actually set a weekly schedule for this thing. My second guest probably comes as no surprise, being that he's been my on-again-off-again partner in crime for the better part of a decade now. James Shotwell...
Here is the first official episode of Variable Bitrate featuring my hairy friend Dan Bogosian. Dan and I ran through his career so far, some news stories, and a few bands we're digging right now. He also told me a...
Here it is, the pilot episode of my new podcast, Variable Bitrate. It was a lot of fun putting this one together. This was the first podcast I've edited since college and it felt good to get back "behind the...
We hit two digits in the run of our little Star Wars program. It feels good. We have some higher production episodes coming up, so expect some longer droughts in-between. > In the tenth episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob...
I love Coloring Book [] , so much so that I've been bumping nothing but Chance's 3rd mixtape since it dropped. From top to bottom, it's a work of...
I love The Clone Wars. Now that Mike has been working his way through the show, it's cool to have a chance to talk about it on the podcast. The Mortis story arc is vastly different to anything else you'll...
It happened. After months of continued recommendations from friends that probably know what's best for me anyway, I've fallen deeply in love with Pinegrove.
Available today on NoiseTrade [] is a 5 track sampler of Acceptance songs. Two of these have never been available for download before while three of them are acoustic tracks originally released on the Undone EP,...
I bought a new microphone! After a ton of research, I settled on the Shure Beta 87A with a Tascam 2x2 interface to power it. I'm now recording through Logic as well. I think the sound quality of this episode...
For nearly as long as I've fought to regain access [] to the handle I am currently using on Twitter, I have been attempting to get @tender—the short and sweet one-word jackpot of a handle...
“Hi” This was the very first tweet I sent on April 21, 2009 at 9:46 PM from an account I made through SMS on my Nokia 2600c. It was a simple tweet, aimed at nobody in particular. I had...
The time has finally come to get a glimpse of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the first of at least 3 planned anthology movies that so far sit on the fringe of the episodic storyline we’re so far...
There are some seriously messed up fan theories out there. > In the seventh episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob discuss the possibilities of who Rey isn't. One by one, they eliminate the possibilities and offer up some theories of...
Jason Tate has bought back the Absolutepunk [] name and URL from SPIN Group and launched a new platform [] for the community to move to. > I had started my first business, AbsolutePunk, LLC, as...
This week I mentioned to Mike a theory that might ruffle a few feathers. > In the sixth episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob debate whether or not the death of a classic Star Wars hero was set into motion...
I take in a lot of media. I listen to a lot of podcasts, I watch a few TV shows, and I’m subscribed to several YouTube channels I just don’t want to miss out on. As the number...
Yep, we're continuing on with this podcast thing. It's been going pretty well. I think we're catching our stride. Oh, we're now on Facebook [] and Instagram [] for you social media fiends,...
Thank you to everyone that has left a review on iTunes or shared the show with friends. It's because of you that we made it into the "New & Noteworthy" section of the iTunes podcast directory, which is definitely cool. > In...
After seeing The Force Awakens in theaters for a third time, I found myself thinking more and more about that last scene—the one where Rey and Chewie ride out to recover Luke from his self-imposed exile, trusty droid in...
Chris Miller (AKA Darth Hound []) is several features into an insightful series on The Force Awakens and its characters on The Star Wars Report. > According to the Visual Dictionary and the novelization, Snoke sees Kylo...
Mike went all out on the production of this one. The first few seconds are the best! > In the third episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob chat about Star Wars viewing orders—primarily the advantages and disadvantages of Machete...
At some point, years after I loaded her MP3 player up with key tracks from Bayside and The Starting Line, my sister has officially become more savvy than I when it comes to emerging musical trends. I owe my love...
Like many, I've been woefully behind on the events happening in Flint, Michigan. I'm just a state over, but only recently heard about the awful situation those in Flint are dealing with regarding the complete contamination of their water supply...