Missaligned 16: Jacob Tender

This week, we bring you a new interview with Jacob Tender! We discuss the best ways to handle PR, anticipated releases, and get nerdy about podcasts.

Perfect LP: Mansions

The folks at Modern Vinyl [http://modern-vinyl.com/2016/02/01/perfect-lp-mansions/] asked me to write about Mansions some more, so I did. A few thousand words spewed out over the course of 7 hours and 10 loads of laundry....

BF 2: That's A Lot Of Ds

We're rolling along now with Bantha Fodder. Two episodes in and we're catching our stride. > In the second episode of Bantha Fodder Mike and Jacob talk about re-watching Star Wars, both in the theater and at home. Each recount some...

My Reading Dilemma

In 2016, I’m making a greater effort to get back into reading regularly. There was a time that I was consistently bookmarked somewhere in the pages of an adventure novel, but that time has long since past. With the...

BF 1: Chained To A Giant Slug

I've begun podcasting about Star Wars with my friend Mike Comite. Episode 1 is available now on iTunes [https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bantha-fodder/id1076135889?mt=2]. > In the first episode of Bantha Fodder, Mike and Jacob dig into...

'The Force Awakens': My Initial Examination

This review contains spoilers. Reading beyond this paragraph means you’ve either seen the movie and care to read insights into the plot of The Force Awakens, or you simply want to ruin a possibly phenomenal movie-going experience for yourself....

My Favorite Things 2015: Music

Here we are yet again. The year has come to an end and music has been released, now on Fridays, for me to rank as my favorite.

Claudio says "Hello" to his mother

Claudio Sanchez, singer of Coheed and Cambria: > For my mother, who told me the new Coheed record is just as good, if not better, than the new Adele. :) Honestly, what else is a mother suppose to say to her son....

"Anyways," The Starting Line returns

It’s been a week more than three years since The Starting Line played St. Andrew’s Hall in Detroit for their Say It Like You Mean It anniversary tour. It was at that show that I came to terms...

Facebook Hiatus

If you have an account on Facebook, you may have come around to the idea that maybe it’s not as great as you once thought it was. UI changes and algorithms aside, the use of Facebook has diminished greatly...

My Body Sings Electric debuts Side A of the Franklin Tapes

While presiding over web content at Substream, I came into contact with a guy named Brandon Whalen. Brandon wrote a number [http://substreammagazine.com/author/brandon-whalen/] of humor pieces for the site—some of the best pieces I published during...

Tilian shares visuals for "Satellite"

Tilian has a new song on the market from his upcoming album, Perfect Enemy called "Satellite." The album is available for pre-order now on iTunes [https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/perfect-enemy/id1057299238?at=10lPxg&mt=1&app=music] and...

Rdio files for bankruptcy, Pandora buys pieces.

Rdio has withdrawn [https://curbside.audio/blog/2015/11/rdio-files-for-bankuptcy-pandora-buys-pieces] from the streaming race by filing Ch. 11 and selling its assets to Internet radio giant Pandora. In a blog post [http://blog.rdio.com/us/2015/11/important-news-from-rdio.html]...

Interview: Lydia talks 'Run Wild' on their headlining tour

If there was a band that my girlfriend and I could describe as ours, it would be Lydia. They were the first band we saw together and we've seen them twice since. The latest show was in the same venue...

Introducing Bohnes, Alexander DeLeon's new project

So long, The Cab. Hello Bohnes. As he teased [https://twitter.com/alexanderdeleon/status/657365348069437440] to some of my friends and I on Twitter just a week ago, Alexander DeLeon is back with a new project and he's going all...

The one thing that I need

As I continue packing to move in with my girlfriend, I'm taking it upon myself to remember what's most important—what to leave behind and what to bring with me as I start the next chapter of my life with...

Podcasts I listen to

Inspired by Zack's recent [http://allergicreactions.fm/post/131042475110/the-podcasts-i-listen-to] posts [http://allergicreactions.fm/post/131435408365/podcasts-i-listened-to-this-week] regarding the podcasts he listens to, and the Top Four favorites [http://relay.fm/topfour/5] of Tiffany and Marco Arment, I'm listing...

Runaway Brother has a music video for 'Catch'

I don't know it's a matter of being speechless or simply running out of things to say but—like I've said for almost 5 years—Runaway Brother is the best band in Cleveland. It's not just a matter of hometown...

Punchline wants to know how you sleep

Chris Payne, Billboard [http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/6737350/punchline-tell-me-how-you-sleep-video-premiere-interview-thrilled] : > Punchline has never been a household name, but for the Pittsburgh band, it’s not for lack of effort. They emerged with the powerhouse label Fueled By Ramen...

An interview with Lydia

“I think I’m going to shotgun a Redbull. They don’t affect me like they used to,” said Lydia guitarist Justin Camacho as I walked into the green room of Musica, Akron’s coziest music venue. “Damn, you got...

Podcast Recommendation: Limetown

Serial was a phenomenon, an unbridled success in podcasting. Produced by the team that brought us radio-ready American Life broadcasts, the series captured the attention of thousands whether they were familiar with the podcasting medium or not. The lasting effects...

Sorry, Internet: A Podcast

Thomas Nassiff (formerly of AbsolutePunk and Fuse) has recently started his own blog with a killer URL. His blog is sorryinter.net [http://sorryinter.net] and he now has a podcast to go along with it. No stranger to the...

31 Days Of Halloween: 'Alien 3'

As is tradition, I lent my love of horror and science fiction to Under The Gun's 31 Days Of Halloween. My piece on Alien 3 was published this week. This year's series is dedicated to the memory of our late...

Top ten songs for a brand new old band

Mike Comite a happy birthday today, he returned the well-wishes with a gift for me. "Ever listen to superdrag?" I hadn't, but like all of Mike's recommendations, I looked them up. He suggested Head Trip In Every Key as my...

Day Jobs: The Lives of Musicians & Creatives In The Workforce

This piece was published at AltPress [https://www.altpress.com/features/bands_need_mentors/] on September 15, 2015 as part of my short-lived column on morality and creativity in the music industry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day job: a time-consuming soul sucker...

Official photo released for the cast of 'Star Wars: Rogue One'

Lucasfilm announced this afternoon that principal photography had begun for Rogue One, the first anthology film to begin the process. Thing is, we're not calling in an anthology film anymore. The spin-off movies—those that don't have "Episode" in the...

What the Hell is going on with Keri Hilson's Facebook feed?

Keri Hilson's Facebook feed? It appears as if she has given up on music to start a career in link aggregation. More realistically, it's as if her social media manager either stopped caring or finds nothing at all interesting or...

"I Am Not A Blogger" (My farewell to PropertyOfZack)

PropertyOfZack will cease to update after this weekend. It's a sad thing, but not a bad thing. POZ has done a lot for the scene. It's nice to read and contribute [https://propertyofzack.com/post/126046808881/i-am-not-a-blogger] so many words...

A stunning tribute to Hayao Miyazaki

Masterclass animator and world-renown director Hayao Miyazaki has had a career unrivalved by any other. The sheer quality and distinction in his movies have driven many, myself included, to create work of their own. All the while instilling valuable lessons...

Slaves pending removal from Warped Tour

A Warped Tour flyer for a Town Hall Meeting tomorrow that will decide the fate of Slaves’ place on the tour. The band has been removed from the tour temporarily following sexual harassment claims from their merch girl. Warped is...

In which Jordan Sargent of Gawker outs an American citizen for clicks

History has shown that Gawker’s “no-fucks-given” attitude is unlike any other. They’ve published countless articles over their years that make most recoil in disgust.1 [https://curbsideaudio-dev.squarespace.com/curbsideaudio/in-which-jordan-sargent-of-gawker-outs-an-american#fn:p124295655817-1] None so much as Jordan...