Plastic Galaxy: The Story Of Star Wars Toys

I love Star Wars. I’d go so far as to say that I always have. I was shown Star Wars when I was still in my single digits and received my first lightsaber when I was probably about 6....

Beartooth Cover Story

Today Substream Magazine [] announced issue #41 with Columbus, OH's Beartooth on the cover. I'm happy to say that I wrote the featured story. When I started at Substream, I didn't expect to be involved with the print...

Beartooth: Sick & Disgusting

This was my first cover story for any magazine. The opportunity came up last minute, but I'm pleased with how it came out. I wrote more about how I got the story here []. This story...

Recording in Nashville

This is long overdue, but I did want to write a short synopsis of my two weeks in Nashville last month. It was my first time in the city and I had an amazing time. I met a lot of...

Joining Substream Magazine

In my last update, I informed you all that I had ceased employment with Ayzenberg Group and was looking for work elsewhere, ideally in music. Today I'd like to share with you that I've found such work with Substream Magazine.

Leaving Ayzenberg

In 2011, a professional friend of mine gave me a job opportunity. At the time, I was a college freshman with no car and no job. My gig at The Social Method helped me pay my way through college. In...

New Website

Yesterday during a conversation with a friend, I decided it was time to pull the trigger on buying the and domains. It seemed like the smart and grown-up thing to do.

An interview with Anthony Raneri

This was a big one for me. As a long-time Bayside fan, getting to sit one-on-one with Anthony in the Grog Shop green room was really cool. We got coffee after. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In December, I had a last-minute opportunity to...

My Favorite Things 2013: Music

‘Tis the season to make the most difficult choices I have to make all year. Seriously, my life is easy enough to make that statement true. I hate making these lists, more-so this year than any year previous. Yet I’...

An interview with Stages & Stereos

This interview comes with a little background story. At the time, I had recently started talking to a girl who had a few mutual friends. She liked music, so I though it would be cool to take her to a...

31 Days of Halloween: You're Next

This year, I wrote two entries for 31 Days of Halloween. In addition to my love letter to Alien, I also wrote about one of my favorite home invasion flicks, You're Next. Of all the holidays celebrated worldwide, no single...

31 Days of Halloween: Alien

This was my first entry in the 31 Days of Halloween canon. Because I didn't write anything for the series in 2012, I contributed a second piece on You're Next as well. Of all the holidays celebrated worldwide, no single...

My dream job.

Wrote this and left it in the drafts for later in the day that I wrote it (it was 4am). This was over a month ago. It's still mostly true.

Review: The 1975 - 'The 1975'

This review was originally published [] on Under The Gun Review. Artist: The 1975 [http://underthegunreview/tag/The-1975] Label: Dirty Hit/Polydor Records (UK) Vagrant Records (USA) Genre: Pop, Rock, Indie Talkhouse, Drive Like...

Review: Parachute - 'Overnight'

This review was originally published [] on Under The Gun Review. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist: Parachute Album: Overnight Genre: Pop, Rock RIYL: The Cab, A Rocket To The Moon, The Summer Set In 2009, a band...

Review: Late In The Playoffs - 'Alive And On Your Own'

This review was originally published [] by Under The Gun Review. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist: Late In The Playoffs Album: Alive and On Your Own Genre: Pop-punk Label: Unsigned Late In The Playoffs’ new album, Alive...

Review: John Mayer - 'Paper Doll'

This review was originally published [] by Under The Gun Review. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, John Mayer [] did an odd thing. That is to say, John Mayer did something I...

An Interview with Will Pugh of Cartel

I remember this as my first remote interview, recorded over a frightening array of wires from first iPhone to my 2004 Dell desktop running Audacity. This was also the first time I got the personal cell number of an artist...

Review: Fall Out Boy - 'Save Rock and Roll'

This review was originally published on Under The Gun Review. Artist: Fall Out Boy Album: Save Rock and Roll Genre: Pop/Rock Label: Island/Decaydance “We’re definitely writing all the time, so we’re not going to try to...

Review: Fall Out Boy - 'Infinity On High'

This review was originally published on Mind Equals Blown. What is “good” is totally subjective. I stand by that with a firm resolve. I write reviews with apprehension because of this fact. What is deemed quality by one can easily...

Review: Coheed and Cambria - 'The Afterman: Descension'

This review was originally published [] on Under The Gun Review. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist: Coheed and Cambria Album: The Afterman: Descension Genre: Progressive Rock Label: Hundred Handed/Everything Evil It seems strange to write an...

Review: Fall Out Boy - "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark"

This review was originally published on Under The Gun Review. Yesterday, one of the most influential bands in my life made a huge return to music after a 4 year hiatus. Fall Out Boy came back, sending my Internet world...

An interview with Joe Flanders

This was the first and only interview that I ever conducted twice. After having a really great conversation with Joe about his work, I realized that I had not properly set up Audio Hijack to record the Skype session. Luckily...

Facebook Adds Drag/Drop Feature

Writing for WhatCulture was a mistake. Apart from having my work chopped up into slide-based listacles, there is no longer any attribution on my pieces there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last week, Facebook introduced [

New Myspace: 9 Features Reviewed & In-Depth Analysis

Writing for WhatCulture was a mistake. Apart from having my work chopped up into slide-based listacles, there is no longer any attribution on my pieces there. Trying to recover the now-dead images for the post yielded the thumbnails you see...

Review: Blaqk Audio - 'Bright Black Heaven'

This review was originally published [] on Under The Gun Review. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist: Blaqk Audio Album: Bright Black Heaven Genre: Electronic Label: Big Death / Superball Music It has been a long wait for a...

Coverage Inquiries

Over the past year, I've evolved from a boy on a blog to a boy with an insane amount of email to contend with on a daily basis. So much that if I don't wake up to at least 20...